5 Products That Should Have Failed

Sometimes I see products that make me excited, other times I see products that I’m indifferent about and finally there are products that make me do a double take and realize that the end must be near. After shedding a few tears, either provoked by sadness or shear hilarity, I usually try to bury the … Read more

5 Essential Websites for Entrepreneurs

Websites for entrepreneurs

Successful entrepreneurs share many things in common including a drive to find and use the best tools on the Internet to help them save time and money as they grow their businesses. When starting a business, entrepreneurs often don’t have the resources available to them to hire people, so it is important for entrepreneurs to … Read more

Sales: Learning From Kids

Today, while I was in the checkout lane at a nearby Target, there were two parents with two kids in front of me (a boy and a younger girl). The kids were being rambunctious, and couldn’t have been older than 4-6 years old. While listening to them, I could tell these kids knew a thing … Read more

Learning From Pixar

Entrance to Pixar

There are some companies that astound me on a continuous basis, and Pixar is one of them. Recently, my wife and I went to see the movie Brave, which is a film about a red-headed girl that doesn’t want to be involved in what is basically an arranged marriage. The movie was visually stunning, but … Read more

$100 Startup Book Review (Updated 2019)

Update for 2019: It’s been about 7 years since I wrote this book review! Seriously… 7 years! I can say with absolute certainty that this book has withstood the test of time. Throughout the last 7 years, I’ve referenced this book for ideas on how to grow my business or for inspiration. So, how has … Read more

BlogWise eBook Review

BlogWise eBook Review

When was the last time that you had the chance to sit down and learn from 9 expert entrepreneurs in any industry at your leisure? In all honesty, it’s hard enough to find a single book that affords that opportunity, let alone being able to do it physically. Darren Rowse of ProBlogger made it happen … Read more

10 Signs That You Might Be an Entrepreneur

Everyone is different, but entrepreneurs also have many over-lapping qualities as well. Only certain characteristics could bring a person to make as crazy of a decision as to become an entrepreneur. Below are 10 signs that you might be an entrepreneur, or a would-be entrepreneur. 10. Wishing You always wish you had another pot of … Read more

What Is a Value Proposition

As an entrepreneur, you have a product or a service that you want to sell. Why would a customer buy from you? The answer is: your Value Proposition. A value proposition is a short statement to your customers that explains why they will buy from you, and how you are truly different from your competitors. That … Read more

Subscriptions Are Awesome

Have you had a gym or magazine subscription before? Many people don’t like them, but when applied properly, subscriptions are awesome for both your business and your customers. Subscriptions have experienced a big resurgence in the tech arena, and that’s what we’ll be discussing. Retention is a problem that some entrepreneurs have with this model, … Read more

Yo Sucka! You Wanna Buy Stuff?

A little while ago, we discussed how professionalism for the sake of professionalism has become tiresome to me. Naturally, I received excellent comments that supported both sides of the argument. Being an entrepreneur is great, but it also comes with responsibilities. These include trying to understand who your customers are and how to interact with … Read more

Entrepreneur Inspiration Video

Over the past weekend, I was reading a lot of quotations from notable people about entrepreneurship. I love quotes because they are a way of getting excellent, distilled information, tips and guidance from some of the most brilliant minds. Quotes  are concentrated ideas, and often it blows me away at how much a person can … Read more

Square Credit Card App – Sign Up Review

Earlier this week, I told you about how I took my wife, sister and mother out for breakfast and how the restaurant didn’t accept credit cards. This was surprising to me as it isn’t very common for a business to not accept credit cards in our area. In fact, even the food trucks around here … Read more

Restaurants Not Accepting Credit Cards

credit cards

The other day, I took my mother, sister and wife out to breakfast. My mom told us about this great diner just down the street so we decided that we would go there, rather than to one of the bigger chain restaurants. After a great breakfast, I went up to the register to pay the … Read more

Entrepreneurship Quote

Today I found an excellent quote that I believe encompasses the meaning behind entrepreneurship perfectly. This quote comes from Henry Ford: Henry Ford: “If I’d asked people what they wanted, they would have asked for a better horse.” What I love about this quote is that it highlights a few things: Entrepreneurship requires vision. Customers don’t always … Read more

Is Retail Dying?

Best Buy announced that it will be closing 50 stores as a cost cutting measure. While that doesn’t sound so bad, here are some notable store closings in 2011 & 2012: 633 Borders Book Stores 405 Blockbuster Stores in 2011 500 Blockbusters in 2012 200 Gamestops 180 Abercrombie and Fitch 100 The Gap 35 Office … Read more

5 Reasons You Won’t Make Money Online

Plenty of people are making eBooks, videos, selling “systems” and offering eCourses about making money online. You see insane claims like “earn $1,000 a day while you sleep” and you think “if only I could make half of that!” Many of these authors provide plenty of proof of their success, and they promise to package … Read more