Paid To Be Healthy?

Can you be paid to be healthy?  At first glance, many people may say no, or might think of jobs like being a personal trainer. While being a personal trainer would technically be getting paid for being healthy, I’m really talking about your current job.  Many companies are seeing a lot of value in paying … Read more

Can a Healthy Lifestyle Be Healthy For Your Wallet Too?

Eating healthy, exercising and fitness all come with an extremely costly connotation.  Consider these: Organic Food (eek! That’s pricey!) Gym Membership ($60 a month!) Personal Training (Don’t even get me started!) Those are just a few examples of the many things people think when they consider getting healthy, but as I’ve theorized, and begun to … Read more

5 Terrible Financial Decisions to Avoid

Older man in bad financial situation looking at his options on a computer.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. – Many Desperate People We’ve all experienced tough financial situations. Some people have experienced the worst of the worst and come out fine, and some of us have experienced a minor bump in the road that sent us careening off a cliff. The difference between the results comes down … Read more

American Ingenuity: An Agricultural Revolution

If you like what you read, then subscribe to our feed! We are in lean times, and there is no denying it.  Many people are pessimistic about America’s future prospects with China coming into another Golden Age, our government having trouble tying its shoes, and unemployment treading along at an unwavering pace. Things definitely seem … Read more

How To Find a Job (Part 1 of 2)

This is part one of a two-part series. Read part 2 here. Without question, we are in a tough economy. Unemployment is high, adequate jobs are scarce and this puts many people into a tough position.  How do you find a job? Finding a job shouldn’t be difficult, but if you are having problems here … Read more

The Waiting Benefit

I received an XBox for free.  I received $60.00 off of a $200 bistro set for no good reason.  I got these great things because I was willing to wait. Everyone hates waiting, and we refer to this as “now” syndrome. We, as humans, just naturally dislike waiting for things. We hate waiting so much, … Read more

7 Dollars and the World Around You

I write for this financial blog, and it is what I love to do. I have a passion for finance, and a passion for helping people, so this is the perfect melding of the two. But it is so easy to get lost in all of this, and become self-focused, dare I say it: self-centered. … Read more

What Are You Putting Off?

If you like what you read, then subscribe to our feed! As humans, we are apart of a club with the notorious reputation of procrastination.  If we didn’t procrastinate then there would be no need for deadlines and schedules. It isn’t that we don’t want to get things done, we just prioritize things poorly.  This … Read more

Do You Have Goals? Plus a Fun Surprise!

If you like what you read, then subscribe to our feed! Last time, we posted some self-reflection questions for you to think about.  Now, we’re addressing the first question: do you have goals?  I think that everyone has some sort of goal, but without explicitly defining the goals and organizing the plan of attack, I … Read more

Questions and Direction – Where Are You Going?

If you like what you read, then subscribe to our feed! Today will be a more philosophical day, and a day of self-reflection.  Sometimes, in our blind ambition, we find ourselves forging forward with all of our might, but don’t exactly know where we’re going.  This happens often in finance when people are working, spending, … Read more

The “Now” Syndrome

Look at today’s technological innovations.  Look at all of the different forms of financing.  To help visualize what I’m talking about, I’m going to list a few of them: E-mail Cell Phones Texting Movies on demand Credit Cards Payday Loans Vacation Loans Pre-prepared foods What do they all have in common?  They are all different … Read more

A War On “Splurge”

Today, I declare war on the word “splurge.” There really isn’t anything wrong with the word itself, but there is something terribly wrong with the way people use it. The word splurge is one of the most abused words in the English language. Here are some of the problems: It is used far too often by the … Read more

Cost of Entertainment Per Hour

Cost of entertainment per hour is a fairly simple concept that we covered in our article “Watching Netflix on the Nintendo Wii” but we are going to cover it a bit more in-depth.  Most prices that you see throughout your day are generally arbitrary (as far as you’re concerned). You go to a grocery store … Read more

Take 2.5 years off from work

If you like what you read, then subscribe to our feed! How would you like to get 5,054 hours of your life back, without having to pay for it?  How would you like to get 2.43 years off from work?  Your numbers may vary, but we’re going to show you how.  Now, it isn’t something that you … Read more

Is Saving Money Difficult For You?

Many people are beginning to cope with cutting back indulgences to save more money, but still, many have trouble with saving money.  Is saving money difficult for you?  If you have trouble saving money, then the solution may be as simple as changing your perspective on saving. Saving Money Requires Too Many Changes A lot … Read more