Invest in water with Coca Cola (KO)

Many people think water will be a privatized commodity in the future.  In fact, a google search of the phrase “water privatization” yields about 641,000 results. Another search for “how to invest in water” yields about 31,000,000 results.  There are many crazy ideas for investing in water. And some of them might even work… if you’re Ted … Read more

Diversified Income Study

On Friday, we discussed diversifying income by creating multiple streams of income.  This will hedge against the impact of one stream shrinking, or being eliminated altogether.  We will now discuss an example to help illustrate this idea. How Do You Diversify Your Income Streams? Let’s say that you decide to write articles online.  There are … Read more

Writing Articles Online

There are a number of ways to earn passive income, but by far the best performing ones that we have seen so far has been writing online.  If you’ve decided that you want to write articles online then this is for you. Writing Articles Online First, you must decide how you want to get paid.  … Read more

Diversified Income

You diversify your investments just in case, you purchase health insurance, car insurance, home owners insurance, and countless other preventative products, so why do you depend on one company for your income?  Often overlooked, people put all of their “income eggs” into one basket.  Growing retirement income is an excellent and highly suggested path to … Read more

Lottery Winners Lose Money

The Lottery Winners We’ve heard that you can learn something from anyone whether it be what to do, or what not to do.  On Sunday April 18, 2010 we saw an episode of Moving up on TLC.  This particular episode is called “The Lottery Winners” and it details how a couple won a $600,000.00 lottery. … Read more

Finances in Marriage

“Are We Debating Just To Win The Argument?” It is no secret that a major contributor to divorce is finances.  There is a lot of “my money, her money” and very little teamwork.  We have no doubt that there is probably at least one couple out there that works well with those pretenses, but the … Read more

I need more income!

No you don’t. At least, generally, you probably don’t. There is no doubt that some of our readers reading this are in the red, that is: your outgoing money exceeds your incoming money. But that doesn’t mean that you need more income unless all of your money is going towards obligations, and absolutely $0.00 is … Read more

Make Money Playing Games!

Side note: Any time we mention one of these sites you can be assured that we have used the site, they are legitimate, and there will be no cost for you to start it up. If there were a cost, or strings attached, we would let you know. All of the links included will take … Read more