Netflix Price Should Double!

Please note: this is a complete satire. There is a lot of uproar lately about Netflix’s price increase. People got comfortable paying $8.00 a month, and it was raised to $9.00 a month last year. Beginning in September, the Netflix price increased by separating their DVD and streaming services and charging about $16.00 for the … Read more

Finding Your Niche

If you do any research into starting a business, you’re guaranteed to come across the phrase “finding a niche” somewhere. A niche is a specialization, it basically means finding your place in the market. There are many products that serve many different market segments, and this is because of market fragmentation. What is market fragmentation? … Read more

Successful Business Planning and Your Market

Last time, we wrote about “What to do when your business is failing“, and we discussed tactics such as: Efficiency Management Volunteers and Interns Product Line and Marketing Your Product. Those are excellent areas to improve your existing business, but planning can help prevent a mid-business crisis. Surely, you’ve probably heard of a business plan, … Read more

The Corporate Stability Myth

If you’ve ever worked for a corporation, then I’m sure you’ve heard of “Corporate Stability.” Corporate stability, in the context that we are discussing, refers to how comfy, cushy, and stable your corporate job is. Corporate stability is largely a myth perpetuated by fear. Decades back, I’m sure it was a real thing, but anyone … Read more

What Is Your Take Home Hourly Wage?

With everyone scrambling to find employment, it seems important that I continue my posts on employment. If you’ve missed any of them be sure to read: 30 Days and You’re Fired! Burning Bridges Today, we’re talking about what your Take Home Hourly Wage (your real hourly wage) is. You have an hourly wage, everyone does. Even … Read more

30 Days and You’re Fired!

Recently, I saw a tweet mentioning that a certain person had 30 days to find a new job or they were most likely going to be fired! It seems extremely harsh, but it’s also far better than being let go on the spot. Without getting into the politics of who probably did what, I want … Read more

Burning Bridges

I’ve written several times about the importance of networking, and how networking can make the difference between standing in a checkout line or a soup line. Today, we’re going to talk about a slightly different aspect which falls into the arena of maintaining that network. A network is a group of people who make up your … Read more

SCORE Entrepreneur Webinars

We’ve written about a couple of times. If you’re unfamiliar with, then read our article titled “Entrepreneur Starting A Business?” As a quick refresher, SCORE is a non-profit organization in partnership with the Small Business Administration, whose entire goal is to assist small business owners. This is accomplished a number of ways which … Read more

PodCast: Money Pirates

Download the Podcast Transcript of audio: Today on Money Pirates and the grief that we bring. But first, some current events. The London Rioters, the UN has made their stance on spankings well-known, but I bet they wish some of these rioters had a few more spankings in their past. Speaking of Spankings: how’s … Read more

Money Pirates Part 2

Last time, we began this short series on Money Pirates. Money Pirates are unexpected, sudden events which cost a lot of money! They can throw your whole financial ship off course, and leave you begging for the plank. So far, we’ve covered: Job Losses Loss of Home and Medical Emergencies Those are 3 terrible pirates … Read more

Money Pirates Part 1

Money pirates, they’re destructive, annoying, unexpected, and they ruin your plans. Money pirates can come in many flavors. Honestly, just about anything can be a money pirate, so in general, we’re talking about any large unexpected costs that come up. Most money pirates are terrible events in one’s life, and often times they can’t be … Read more

Dreams Are Just Dreams, Right?

I’ve heard people say “Dreams are just dreams” or “dreams are just something to get you through your day.” I’ve even heard these sentiments echoed on the popular TV show The Office. But are these statements true? If dreams are just something to get you through your day, then why do we do the things … Read more

Should You Spend?

Between keeping up with the Joneses and stores open 24/7, we’ve never had more reason, or opportunity to buy something (or anything) on a whim. I don’t have any firm numbers, but I’d be willing to bet that we have more shopaholics spending more money than ever before. Not only that, but so many people … Read more