5 Ideas on How to Name Your Food Blog

Food fills our happy hearts and tummies. Through this experience, we are able to come together to share and connect with our loved ones, as we enjoy the meal in front of us.

For food bloggers, the story is often the same. Whether they want to share delicious home-cooked recipes or feature the most amazing restaurants and diners, their motivation always comes from a deep love for food and the experience that they gain from it.

For something seemingly simple, food blogging can pose a couple of challenges. And, when you’re just starting out, coming up with a good name for a food blog is just one of them. Since we’ve come to realize that making up a good blog name can be a problem for a lot of our readers and soon-to-be bloggers, we’ve decided to put together this article of our best tips and advice on how to name your food blog.

How to Name Your Food Blog

If you want to stand out and catch your reader’s attention, giving your food blog a cool name is a good way to do it. Just think about popular blogs, such as Pinch of Yum, COOKIE + Kate, and Smitten Kitchen. All of them used a nice play on their name or niche, which helps identify their blog, and contribute to its success.

To help you come up with your own unique name for your food blog, here are some tips you can use as a guide.

Know Your Vision and Mission

Your blog’s vision and mission indicates what you want to do with your blog, as well as your reason behind it. By having these clear statements, you can take a step back to evaluate if there are some terms and keywords in there you can use for your blog’s name.

To do this, start by listing out combinations of terms that sound good together. Once you’ve made your list, you may notice that there are those with potential or could still be improved on. Shift your focus to those names, and play around with the wordings until you chance on one you like. This way, your readers will know what to expect when they read your blog name, and it will also draw in more audiences who fit the criteria.

Take for example the blog Sprouted Kitchen. Sara Forte’s intention for her blog is to share healthy food and recipes, which everyone can incorporate in everyday life. Her recipes are mostly centered on produce, healthy fats, and whole grains—most of which can be harvested.

Identify Your Focus

how to name your food blog: identify your focus

When it comes to food and food blogging, there are a bunch of different sub-topics you can cover, depending on what you’re passionate about.

If you’re not sure what your main focus is, just think about why you love food, and which aspect of it you’re most drawn to. Do you want to give people a list of home-cooked meals, which are easy to make? Do you want to teach easy-bake desserts? Or, do you prefer to inspire others in making balanced meals for fitness purposes? By identifying your sub-topic and naming your blog with this in mind, you’ll garner attention from the people interested in your subject, as well as those who want to learn more about it. 

To go more in-depth, here are some of the most common sub-niches in food:

Home Cooking

Cooking sub-niches, from the word itself, mainly cover topics on home-cooked meals and recipes. It can be about offering different takes on classic favorites, or levelled-up variations of simple meals. Whatever your focus is, this sub-niche caters to those with innate passion for food. With this, you can inspire others of all the brilliant things you can create at home.

Baking and Desserts

Too much sugar is bad for your teeth, they said. But that’s never stopped food bloggers from sharing their love for sweets on their websites. 

In this sub-category, you can blog about amazing uses for everyday ingredients, like flour, eggs, and baking soda, to help satisfy sweet cravings after a savory meal. Whether it’s through the use of an oven, microwave, or even just your fridge, here’s the sub-niche that’ll guide you how to get your daily dose of chocolate and more.

Clean Eating and Healthy Dieting

In the name of nutrition and healthy lifestyle, this clean eating sub-niche was born. Mostly led by fitness gurus and trained professionals, this subcategory inspires others to change their diets with tasty treats, which are good for the body and soul. 

Aside from being a good resource for those who want to shed some extra pounds, this topic is also highly regarded for being one that can change lives for the better.

Restaurants and Features

While other blogs focus on homemade recipes that can fill one’s stomach, there are also those who thrive in bringing the spotlight to local and nearby restaurants, which deserve recognition.

In this subcategory, you can expect to see both highly regarded and underrated spots to get a fix on your sweet and savory cravings. If you’re the type of blogger who likes finding hidden gems and delicious treats, this is the sub-niche with the goal of exploration and discovery for all things food.

Use Your Main Keyword

Whether you want your site to rank high in search results or be known for its specialty, incorporating main keywords into your blog name can help you with association. Regardless of how simple the name ends up being, if it’s something your readers—or even Google—can easily find, then it can help you drive more audiences to your blog. 

When coming up with a name, consider including the popular terms or phrases relevant to your subtopic. Because of its simple and straightforward nature, you’ll be able to gain more of your audience’s trust from the get-go, with the added benefit of being more easily found on search engines.

Incorporate Your Favorite Food

When naming a blog about food, it only makes sense to inject your own flair and personality into its title by using a keyword or phrase related to your favorite meal.

For this tip, it doesn’t have to be as literal as naming your blog after a sandwich or a pasta recipe. Instead, you can name your blog after the experience you have while eating your favorite food. 

An example of this would be the blog Spoon Fork Bacon, which aims to give life to breakfast must-haves. A food stylist and a photographer, Jenny and Teri, came together to share recipes with mouthwatering photos. 

Doing this would also give your audience a hint on the type of content they can expect from your blog. It would also let them in on the type of foodie you are.

Include Popular Food Idioms and Phrases

Everyone appreciates food. We all have our own unique takes on preparation and eating per se. If you want to show your witty side to your target readers, then perhaps you can use a spin on a well-known food idiom or phrase that easily resonates with everyone. 

For instance, the idiom “Sweet as honey” is most commonly used to describe something as kind, sweet, or good. Food blogger Carine Claudepierre shares low-carb baking recipes in her blog Sweet as Honey, which supports healthy and clean eating.

Other food-related phrases and idioms you can add your own flavor to are:

  • Bread and butter
  • Spice things up
  • Pinch of salt
  • Apple of my eye
  • Food for thought
  • Two peas in a pod
  • Piece of cake

Simple yet catchy, right? Aside from letting your target audience easily discover you, you’re also establishing an instant connection just from others merely reading your blog name. So, in relation to our previous tip, maybe you can think about different aspects of food or cooking, symbolizing your love for food. 

However you use these phrases for your blog name is up to you. But it can serve its purpose well if recognition and your relationship with your readers is something you value.


Now that we’ve given you some of our tips and advice, we hope you are able to come up with a  name you’ll love for your food blog. Regardless of whether or not you think it’s catchy in the end, what matters is your content and your passion for food. This will bring in valuable readers who will stay by your side, and allow your content to prosper. It’s all about food after all. So, set up your plate, and share the love.

Goodluck on your journey, bloggers!