The WMD Savings Method – the Well, the Mule, and the Distributor

If you like what you read, then subscribe to our feed! No, we’re not talking about weapons of mass destruction, but with this method, you can absolutely destroy your debt! What is the WMD Savings Method? It is an acronym that means the Well, the Mule, and the Distributor.  Each of these are symbolic pieces … Read more

5 Money Making Gimmicks and Marketing Snafus

Generally, I don’t like to cover current events, but there are so many hilarious, and terrible money-making gimmicks that I see, that I just felt it necessary to highlight some of the more absurd ones that I’ve seen recently.  These range from products, to marketing snafus, but all are equally silly. 1. Kenneth Cole’s Tasteless … Read more

Balanced Finance by Andy Stanley Pt. 2: Reading the fine print

In part 1 of this series, we discussed the 3 laws of balance in your finances.  Andy Stanley says that these laws are: Have a reference point Make constant corrections And have a clear objective For “have a reference point” Andy states that this means you need a system to track where your money is … Read more

Balanced Finance by Andy Stanley Pt. 1: Opening the Books

We are going to begin a series based off of a very popular sermon by Pastor Andy Stanley of North Point Ministries called “Balanced.” I know some readers don’t consider themselves Christian, but believe me, you will benefit greatly from this series.  I was a non-believer for a long time, but I still found a … Read more

Life Simplified: Controlling Processes

This is an extremely simplistic view of your financial lifestyle.  If you’re anything like me, then seeing things boiled down to their simplest terms is the best way to look at subjects.  Most complex topics are built off of simpler ideas.  An example is how computers operate off of an organized system of 1’s and … Read more

Finding Value In Prices

Do you know a person who thinks something is worth more or less just because of its price? I’ve run into many people who have this issue. As consumers, we tend to no longer shop based off of a products quality, or true value, but more off of what the price tag says about the … Read more

Income Diversification and Being Debt Free

This will probably be a surprise to one of our consistent readers and commentors, but I wanted to highlight an excellent contribution from the Save Green Team.  On our post “Income Diversity” we received an interesting comment from our friend over at Save Green Going Green and thought that we should expand upon it more … Read more

Income Diversity

One of our first articles was about diversified income streams.  If you’re not sure what that means, then here’s a quick run down.  Have you ever heard the phrase “don’t place all of your eggs in one basket?”  People try to avoid this all the time, except with their income.  Too many people depend on … Read more

American Ingenuity: An Agricultural Revolution

If you like what you read, then subscribe to our feed! We are in lean times, and there is no denying it.  Many people are pessimistic about America’s future prospects with China coming into another Golden Age, our government having trouble tying its shoes, and unemployment treading along at an unwavering pace. Things definitely seem … Read more

Dead End Careers

What’s Your Expiration Date? The other day, I randomly decided to read some Dilbert cartoons.  As I was browsing, I came upon this one, and I was impressed with the terse, yet honest, message.  When we choose a career field, we are obviously presented with many options, but one of those is our expiration date. Some … Read more

New Year’s Resolutions

If you like what you read, then subscribe to our feed! I’m never very big on New Year’s resolutions, because many don’t really seem to commit to them.  I’m of the opinion that if I’m going to do something, I won’t just say I’ll do it, I’ll just do it.  But, I’m also an advocate … Read more

Tax Free Passive Income

This article is written with politics aside.  It is a simple informational article based on recent legislation being written into law. As of Friday, December 17, Americans now have the opportunity to continue earning tax-free passive income.  President Barack Obama signed into law an extension of the Bush Era Tax Cuts which allows citizens to … Read more