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Research shows small businesses putting themselves at risk by missing gas safety checks

Safety in the workplace is an issue that can be overlooked by companies who prioritize their finances above everything else. However, new research shows that those who are reliant on gas are skipping important gas safety checks, which could endanger workers who may be unaware of the problems of working with gas.


Gas safety checks are usually carried out by energy suppliers once a year, something which a survey by a leading energy supplier revealed that some businesses were unsure about. Almost one in three businesses who responded claimed that checks were carried out every two years or more.

Businesses Don’t Have Time

Of the businesses who were quizzed by the energy firm, 34% said they didn’t have the time to remain compliant with safety laws. Despite that, the fact that a number of companies remain unaware of the need to make routine gas safety checks is something that could be costly for their employers in the event of an accident.

Aside from not showing enough care for their employers, SMEs that don’t have regular safety checks may also put the way in which they operate at risk. This is something that may prove to be expensive, even in the event of a boiler breaking down or something else not working.

Businesses Fear Safety Checks Could Cost Them

Anything that’s reliant on gas that malfunctions can be inconvenient to say the least, but can be prevented if, in a safety check, something’s identified that may lead to breakdown. However, safety checks could also result in further expense for companies, something that Make it Cheaper, an energy comparison firm were vocal about.

Repairs can be expensive at times, while information from suppliers on safety regulations is something 44% of SMEs surveyed found to be confusing.

“Customer service and billing problems along with confusion relating to safety are all issues that people come to us with. We recommend that businesses dissatisfied with what they’re getting from their existing supplier compare business gas & electricity to help put their minds at rest and ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible”, said an energy saving expert spokesperson from makeitcheaper.com.

Staying safe is something every SME should bear in mind. Making sure they have regular safety checks of their equipment every year or so can prove useful, while seeing what different suppliers offer in terms of safety provision and repairs can help to make a hard decision choosing the right supplier a little easier than it was before.

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