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Often times I find myself thinking up useless questions and statements. The other day I thought to myself “Wal-Mart must be huge.” I know, ground breaking inner monologue, right? Basically, there are Wal-Mart locations all around me, and each one is absurdly large. This lead me to thinking: Just how big is Wal-Mart (WMT)?
There are other stores that I see all the time too, so Wal-Mart can’t possible be that big, right? With that said, I decided to seek out my answers. I’m a very visual person, so naturally charts were the right medium for me to provide the results. I picked a couple of stores that I’m very familiar with, and chose a couple of different metrics to compare them with.
The Numbers and Pictures
All numbers are from each companys’ respective 10K reports filed with the SEC in January of 2010. I was sure to match up each companies number magnitudes. I believe all numbers are reported in millions except the market cap which is billions. So, here are my pretty pictures below which clearly answer the question: How Big is Wal-Mart?

As you may have guessed, Wal-Mart seems as massive in numbers as it does in reality.