Conquering Your Mount Everest

I took this photo myself in 1994.
Image via Wikipedia

Sometimes, when we have ideas, we can only see the overall picture.  Being able to see the big picture is important, but it also can make the task seem impossible.  How do you climb some of these mountains?  Your mountain can be anything: eliminating debt, a project at work, a project at home, starting a business, or paying down your mortgage.

Everyone has been there.  Everyone has felt like an ant at the base of Mount Everest, and there is nothing wrong with that.  There are many things in this world far bigger than us, but we can’t let it stress or discourage us.  How exactly do you conquer your own, personal Mount Everest?  Whether it be buying a home, or starting a business, you can do it.

Tell Yourself You Can

I know this sounds cliché, but there is much power in words.  Having confidence in yourself can do a ton for your morale, and your abilities.  If you don’t believe that you can do something, then how can you expect to approach your mountain with all you can?  You won’t.  You’ll put forth just enough effort to fail.  A lack of self-confidence is a self-fulfilling prophecy.  If you say you’re going to fail, then you probably will.

Set Goals

We are big on goals around here, and for good reason: Goals Work. When you’re working towards something, you can see your progress, and you can see how close you are to achieving your goal.  Dave Ramsey is famous for his “baby steps” because they work.  When you see goals getting met, your attitude changes.  Just be sure that you set realistic, attainable goals.

Break The Goals Into Segments

Breaking your goals down into smaller segments will create a road map to achieving your goal.  Sometimes, it just seems impossible to know where to start, but if you break your goals down into weekly tasks to achieve your goals, then a lot of those questions and uncertainties go away.  Having a clear path can take a lot of the “I don’t know what to do” stress away.

Talk To People

People generally like to give advice.  When you run into difficulties, talk to people you trust about it.  Not only is it therapeutic to talk, but it also allows you to think out loud and get feedback.  You don’t have to talk to experts in the field to get intelligent feedback, sometimes you need foreign ideas and thought processes to solve problems.  That doesn’t mean that you should accept all feedback that you get, but it helps you to think things out.

Keep a Journal

I often keep journals that contain anything from invention ideas to investment ideas.  If you’re anything like me, you forget a lot of cool stuff (I’m really not trying to brag).  I can’t count the number of times that I’ve thought of something neat, and couldn’t remember what it was 20 minutes later.  Journals help you catalog and elaborate on ideas.  I’ve heard somewhere that Google has whiteboards on most of their walls just for this reason (this may be inaccurate, I’ve heard many less plausible things as well.).


It’s easy to spend your time planning away, but at some point you must get over your fears and worries and just get to work.  You need to look the task in the face and say “I can do this, I am doing this, and I will do this.”  Anytime you feel like you’re down and out, just remind yourself as to why you’re doing it, and look back at you progress.  Don’t give up!