Do You Have Goals? Plus a Fun Surprise!

Image by mhaithaca via Flickr

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Last time, we posted some self-reflection questions for you to think about.  Now, we’re addressing the first question: do you have goals?  I think that everyone has some sort of goal, but without explicitly defining the goals and organizing the plan of attack, I can only imagine that most goals languish in a void of unattainability.

The cures for this are the simple, but often dreaded words “organization” and “planning.”  We need to formally sit down, write out our goals, and in an organized manner, try to attain them.  Success often doesn’t happen by accident, and consistent success never happens by accident.

Do You Have Goals?

Do you have goals, or do you just have a basic outline?  Maybe you have a goal to save some money, maybe to go to college, or maybe to pay off that credit card.  They all sound pretty good, but they are completely meaningless unless you do something about them! You’ll never save money, you’ll continue to put off college, and you’ll put more money on that credit card if you continue saying “I’ll make sure to do that.”

Free Goal Planning Worksheet

Free Stuff For You

Hopefully that got your attention.  When are you going to set and achieve your goals?  The time is now!  You must sit down and make your plans now!  That is why we went through the effort of putting together a free worksheet for you to use so you can set goals, choose the time frames, and track your progress.  No strings attached, just download the free goal planning PDF worksheet, print it out, and use it!  We even wrote detailed directions to make it super easy to use!

Webmasters: you can also post the worksheet on your website as it is, but we simply ask for a link back within the article or page where you’re offering it, and please don’t make any changes to it.

Banking Word Search

Now, Time For the Fun Surprise

I thought it might be fun to make a word search for you guys to enjoy this fine Friday.  Feel free to download our Banking Themed Word Search, print it out, and maybe even give a copy to your kids to fill out.  They might even ask you some questions about the words and learn something new!

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