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Make Money Playing Games!

Side note: Any time we mention one of these sites you can be assured that we have used the site, they are legitimate, and there will be no cost for you to start it up. If there were a cost, or strings attached, we would let you know. All of the links included will take you to Moola and allow you to sign up, but they also give us credit for the signup. So, if you like the information that we have provided, it would be greatly appreciated if you used one of our links below. Thanks again!
Moola Review:
Moola is an online game community that allows you to win money by beating your opponents at games. They have many games including a rock, paper, scissors with a twist, a Hi – Lo card game and a game of choosing numbers and strategy. All in all it’s a lot of fun, and it’s great that it does not require any of your own money.

If you are really good, and careful there is no reason that you couldn’t make a bit of money with it. Our lack of skills had us running for cover but we would love to hear any of your success stories! We were able to make it to $2.56 in one sitting. But we got greedy and bet it all! You have the potential of getting to $10,737,418.24, but I’d bet my $2.56 that you won’t likely get there.

Fun and completely free!
The games aren’t hard to learn
It’s neat playing against others
The Cow Slot Machine is a neat touch to help charity
You can earn money playing games!

Commercials every once in a while, but they aren’t very long
It’s easy to get greedy and lose your money
Some of their games are a little addictive (could be considered a pro)

Earnings Potential:
Earnings are a bit difficult, unless you’re very careful. Our attitude about this is: if you play online games, why not try to make some Moola doing it? There is no catch other than having to watch a commercial here and there, but we watch commercials for free on TV all day long, we think it’s time we get paid for watching commercials, and that is what Moola essentially does. You get to play games, earn a little money, and watch a commercial here and there, not too bad of a deal!

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