Business Tablets

It’s not often you see the words “Tablet” and “Productivity” in a sentence and have it mean something positive. For those who don’t know, Tablet PCs are the class of computer that is essentially a touch screen monitor. They look like bigger versions of Smart Phones. If you’ve seen an Apple iPad (aff), then you’ve seen … Read more

eCommerce VS Brick and Mortar

If you’ve considered starting a business, then you’ve probably wondered if you should start as a website, then maybe a physical storefront, or maybe you wanted to rent that vacant building down the street. Which is best for you will depend on many different factors, some of which are specific to you alone. A website … Read more

Google Plus Business Pages – Google+

Recently, Google rolled out Business Pages for their social network Google+ (pronounced Google Plus). If you are an early adopter, then you already know about Google+, but if you’ve never heard of it, then let me fill you in. Google originally tried to roll out a social network called Google Buzz, but it failed. Google+ … Read more

Does Your Business Reflect You?

Businessman excited

Starting a business is a process consumed with decisions, some easy and some difficult. Honestly, a business is really just the result of a bunch of related decisions. When you start a business, you are forced to confront decisions that you would probably rather avoid. You’ll be forced to make: Ethical Decisions Customer Service Decisions … Read more

5 Steps To Awesome Twitter Marketing

Recently we’ve talked about twitter marketing. There are many reasons why you would want to market on twitter: Connecting with your customers Displaying your human side Learning about customers’ needs and having fun Before the Internet and social media, it was a lot harder to connect with your customers on a personal level. Now, it … Read more

URL Shorteners For Marketing

If you have ever had trouble seeing where your customers are coming from, wanted more information on what systems are performing best for you, or just want to add a new tool to your marketing tool bag, then let me introduce you to URL Shorteners. If you have ever seen a URL that starts with … Read more

Marketing Is Difficult!

If there is anything that I’ve learned in the last few years while running businesses, it would be that marketing is difficult. No, I’m not talking about the class in college that you skipped, or slept through, but the actual action of marketing your business. I’ve admitted this in the past that I never gave … Read more

Is Business Bootstrapping Right For You?

Replace the piggy bank with monthly income investments.

When starting a business, you must figure out how you plan to finance it. There are tons of options such as: Bank Loans Private & Angel Investors Grants Government Assistance and Bootstrapping This is just a sample of the many ways a person can finance their new business. Today, we’re going to discuss bootstrapping a … Read more

Twitter Marketing: Marketing With Twitter Easily

Twitter is a relatively mature service now. Most people have heard of twitter, or tweeting, but many people still don’t understand how to leverage twitter to market their business. Twitter marketing isn’t difficult, and we’re going to cover it in this article. For those who may not have heard of Twitter, it is a service … Read more

Easy Money: Don’t Believe The Hype

Countless people fall victim to the idea that they’ll finally retire by starting a website that will earn them thousands of dollars each night as they sleep. You’ve probably seen the infomercials: Buy real estate for pennies on the dollar. Property flipping with no risk. eBay Millions in Minutes. Make money while you sleep. Turn … Read more

Making Money With Etsy

Are you an artistically gifted person? Are you good with your hands, paint, thread, scissors, or any other crafting tools? Then earning money online may have just gotten easier for you. For those who don’t already know, Etsy is an online marketplace for handmade goods, and vintage items. Before you start thinking “it’s the eBay … Read more

Business Mistakes and Coupons

Yesterday, I purchased 3 coupons on for a local pizzeria. They were $25.00 coupons that were purchased for $10 and I got an additional discount through my company. The coupons have a $35.00 minimum purchase, and last night, I had an interesting experience trying to use them. My expectations were simple: go to the … Read more

Finding Your Niche

If you do any research into starting a business, you’re guaranteed to come across the phrase “finding a niche” somewhere. A niche is a specialization, it basically means finding your place in the market. There are many products that serve many different market segments, and this is because of market fragmentation. What is market fragmentation? … Read more

Successful Business Planning and Your Market

Last time, we wrote about “What to do when your business is failing“, and we discussed tactics such as: Efficiency Management Volunteers and Interns Product Line and Marketing Your Product. Those are excellent areas to improve your existing business, but planning can help prevent a mid-business crisis. Surely, you’ve probably heard of a business plan, … Read more

The Corporate Stability Myth

If you’ve ever worked for a corporation, then I’m sure you’ve heard of “Corporate Stability.” Corporate stability, in the context that we are discussing, refers to how comfy, cushy, and stable your corporate job is. Corporate stability is largely a myth perpetuated by fear. Decades back, I’m sure it was a real thing, but anyone … Read more

SCORE Entrepreneur Webinars

We’ve written about a couple of times. If you’re unfamiliar with, then read our article titled “Entrepreneur Starting A Business?” As a quick refresher, SCORE is a non-profit organization in partnership with the Small Business Administration, whose entire goal is to assist small business owners. This is accomplished a number of ways which … Read more